Ordering Information for International Customers
Design Technology's products are sold to customers in all 50 states and 40 countries worldwide.
The international distributors listed below serve our customers in AUSTRALIA, CANADA, THE UNITED KINGDOM and FRANCE.
Customers in countries with a local distributor should contact them first. Let them help you select the correct product for your engine. They have what you need ready to ship, or will order it for you. Get the one-on-one help you need and avoid shipping and lengthy customs delays by contacting them to place your order.
Flexible Drive Agencies
Kensington, Victoria
PHONE: 1300 36 37 35
Flexible Drive
Forster Instruments
Mississauga Ontario
PHONE: 905-795-0555
FAX: 800-632-9943
TOLL FREE within Canada: 800-661-2994
EMAIL: sales@forster.ca
Forster Instruments
CONTACT: Karl Stice
EMAIL: kastice@wanadoo.fr
Karl speaks fluent French and English